How To Balance a Turntable Arm     April 2011   Filed Under: Turntables

Or more correctly, how to make the force calibrations on the counterweight read correctly. Video instructions.

It's very easy to accidentaly move the arm adjustment so the stylus force is no longer reading correctly. Also if you change the cartridge the arm will need to be rebalanced. It's actually quite easy to do. Here's a video that shows how it's done. 

My Test Tapes     August 2020   Filed Under: Tape Recording

Tool Cassettes for Alignment and Calibration

Cassettes - better than you dont remember     February 2016   Filed Under: Tape Recording

Nice video from Technomoans Mat about cassette recording. Explains about the different types of tape and noise reduction technology. All his videos are excellent.

Technics SA-T670 Power Test     March 2013   Filed Under: Cool Stuff

These amps were a NZ only model and specs are elusive. There has been some controversy about the real power output so here's the real oil.

Retro Audio Links     May 2011   Filed Under: Cool Stuff

Fred's recommended time wasters

Retro Wooden Television Set     May 2011   Filed Under: Cool Stuff

This TV is on display at the Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt along with lots of other cool stuff.

Clock made from B&O Turntable     May 2011   Filed Under: Turntables

I got an unusual request from a customer wanting a turntable to turn into a clock. Scott chose a Bang and Olufsen Beogram 1200 I had been storing for parts. He sent me a picture of the finished result - awesome!

Sold Equipment Archive     May 2011   Filed Under: Cool Stuff

I've had some interesting items in the past and it's worth keeping the pictures and information about them. Here are links to the archives.